Our Vision

Downtown Cleveland's riverfront and lakeshore are vital assets that should be accessible to everyone. Transit is key to a cohesive waterfront and the Waterfront Line (WFL)'s construction in 1996 was a significant investment in restoring public connectivity between downtown and our shores. To realize its true potential, 17th Street Studios has reimagined the WFL by means of transit-oriented development that fosters livable, walkable and connected communities. A waterfront that offers more people-centered amenities, embraces equitable housing density, and is integrated into larger transit networks will reinforce transit demand, creating a virtuous cycle that supports regular WFL service. Reviving Our Waterfront Line aligns with and reinforces the City's efforts to make downtown and its waterfronts more accessible, resilient, and equitable for all. 

How did we approach this project?

The study area was split into 3 zones

Capstone Presentation
